Sea Turtle Spotter

Are you ready to become a citizen scientist?

By reporting your sea turtle sightings, you can help scientists better understand changes in populations, movements, foraging locations and habitat conditions. This invaluable information will help us determine how we can help save sea turtles.

Instructions for Sea Turtle Spotter:

Join our citizen science program and register your sea turtle sightings online at or via the iNaturalist app on your mobile device.

Please record the following information:

*Required: Date, Time, Coordinates (e.g., Lat: 24.533633 Lon: -109.927294)

If Available: Species, Turtle Condition, Behavior and Habitat

Download the Sea Turtle Spotter App

Inaturalist App For Android or Inaturalist App For Apple

Submit a Sighting Through our Google Form

Sea Turtle Spotter Google Form

Feel great about your work as a citizen scientist and encourage your friends to become Sea Turtle Spotters too!

Featured Sea Turtle Spotter Sighting

Alex and Tamara Double - Baja California Sur, Mexico

This incredible footage was shared with Upwell by Sea Turtle Spotters Alex and Tamara Double. They found this loggerhead while scuba diving at El Bajo in the Gulf of California.

Will your photos or video be the next featured sighting? Send us your photo or video with a description to

Field Guides

Unless you are an experienced turtle biologist, you may need help differentiating one species of turtle from another. Not to worry! Upwell has created field guides to help. We even have wallet-sized cards to fit your needs.

Multiple Species Materials

East Pacific Turtles Field Guide

Single Species Materials

West Pacific Leatherback Field Guide

West Pacific Leatherback Wallet Card