fisheries interaction

Leatherback Saved by Fisher-Researcher Collaboration in Sinaloa

Leatherback Saved by Fisher-Researcher Collaboration in Sinaloa

When fishermen and researchers collaborate, they create opportunities to amplify efforts for the research and conservation of sea turtles. This past spring, Upwell participated in these efforts by providing a satellite tag for Liam Neythan, a leatherback sea turtle that was saved in Sinaloa, Mexico. Our collaborators, the fishers Edmundo Rafael Garcías Burgos and Mariano García Olivas, as well as Dr. Alan Zavala Norzagaray and the CIIDIR IPN Unidad Sinaloa are the key collaborators and heroes in this story.

How satellite tracking can help save endangered sea turtles

How satellite tracking can help save endangered sea turtles

Through satellite tracking data, we can identify critical inter-nesting, migration and foraging habitats throughout the migration range of East Pacific leatherbacks. This information is essential for leatherback conservation and more holistic transboundary management initiatives,